Managing your workforce during a pandemic [Free guide]

For many businesses, the shift to remote work has come with challenges that are still not easy to solve even seven months after the start of the pandemic. Struggles like feeling disconnected from colleagues, increased stress, and decreased engagement are all continuing to have an impact on the way we work. If your company has gone remote, our remote work guide will walk you through how to improve the experience of working from home and support your employees’ mental and physical health.

Remote work guide thumbnailRead now - Managing your workforce during a pandemic: The complete guide to supporting your remote employees




This new resource will walk you through how to help your employees overcome the challenges of working from home, with information on:

  • Strategies for managing a remote workforce so employees stay connected and engaged
  • How to help employees establish good working habits to improve performance and reduce burnout
  • The importance of physical comfort and proper equipment

It also includes a section on workplace wellness for the remote workforce. During this difficult time it's especially important to support employee health, but many of the old models of workplace wellness don't apply to remote workers. To help business adapt wellness strategies to their remote workforce, our guide includes:

  • Ways you can support mental health and foster a more understanding work culture
  • Some wellness tools and resources you can offer to promote better health and reduce stress
  • Why access to telemedicine and virtual care is now a must-have benefit

You can read the full version of the guide on our site at You can also download a free copy of the PDF version to save or share with your colleagues using the link below.

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